Al-Manarat Islamic High School aims to nurture each child in their spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, and emotional growth in light of the Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Math, Grade 9, Academic (MTH1W)
Mathematical knowledge becomes meaningful and powerful in application. This curriculum embeds the learning of mathematics in the solving of problems based on real-life situations. Other disciplines are a ready source of effective contexts for the study of mathematics. Rich problem-solving situations can be drawn from closely related disciplines, such as computer science, business, recreation, tourism, biology, physics, or technology, as well as from subjects historically thought of as distant from mathematics, such as geography or art. It is important that these links between disciplines be carefully explored, analysed, and discussed to emphasize for students the pervasiveness of mathematical knowledge and mathematical thinking in all subject areas.
The Grade 9 courses in this curriculum build on the knowledge of concepts and skills that students are expected to have by the end of Grade 8. The strands used are similar to those of the elementary program,with adjustments made to reflect the new directions mathematics takes in secondary school. The Grade 9 courses are based on principles that are consistent with those that underpin the elementary program, facilitating the transition from elementary school. These courses reflect the belief that students learn mathematics effectively when they are initially given opportunities to investigate ideas and concepts and are then guided carefully into an understanding of the abstract mathematics involved. Skill acquisition is an important part of the program; skills are embedded in the contexts offered by various topics in the mathematics program and should be introduced as they are needed.
The Grade 9 mathematics curriculum is designed to foster the development of the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in their subsequent mathematics courses, which will prepare them for the postsecondary destinations of their choosing.